Voice of a Woman – ʿAwrah? MUBZ September 17, 2024 6829 – 0159 Question: ʾAs-salāmu ʿAlaykum A question is regarding a woman’s voice, is it considered awrah? جزاكم الله خيرا
Consuming an Ice-Cream which a Child Purchased MUBZ September 10, 2024 6829 – 0158 Question: If a small child (age 4) went to a shop and bought a chocolate flavoured ice
Only Used Wet Wipes – Past Prayers Valid or Not? MUBZ September 10, 2024 6829 – 0157 Question: Are my past prayers valid if I only used wet wipes for istinja and not flowing
Muslim Slaughtering an Animal which was Shot by a Non-Muslim MUBZ September 9, 2024 6829 – 0156 Question: If a non-Muslim shoots a hunting animal, then the Muslim farmer goes to the animal, takes
No Physical, Financial, and Emotional Support from Husband MUBZ September 5, 2024 6829 – 0155 Question: السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُه. mufti I would like an in depth discussion on the purpose
Continuous Bleeding – How will I Calculate my Ḥayḍ MUBZ September 5, 2024 6829 – 0154 Question: Assalaamu Alaykum I need help figuring out when will it be my Haidh. My last valid
Married Under False Pretenses – Recourse for Wife MUBZ September 5, 2024 6829 – 0153 Question: Salaams mufti ! What is the Islamic opinion on a woman marrying someone of a much
Cost of Living – Wife Working MUBZ September 5, 2024 6829 – 0152 Question: As-salāmu ʿalaykum I would like to enquire about women going out to work, many argue that
Submitting a Section 18A Tax Certificate for Tax Rebate MUBZ September 5, 2024 6829 – 0151 Question: Slms please advise whether it is allowed to submit a Section 18A tax certificate received from
Female Remaining in the Same Town After ʿIddah MUBZ August 29, 2024 6829 – 0150 Question: Assalamualaykum Respected Moulana Is it permissible for a female after her iddah to remain in the