6829 – 0101
At the commencement of any course, certain arrangements and payments are made by the educational institution in preparation for the classes. These expenses are covered by the tuition and other fees acquired from the students, and if many students were to drop out of the course, the institution would be at a loss. So, will it be permissible for the institution to withhold the tuition for the remaining duration of the course paid by those students who dropped out without a valid reason?
We have worded the contract in the following manner:
• Fees will be charged at a 3 month contract basis from the commencement date according to the subject choice’s agreed upon.
• In the advent of the learner deregistering from the institute, fees for the duration of the contract will be payable. However, the circumstances leading to the de-registering will be taken into account before any charges for the remainder of the contract is made.
In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
In principle, once the Ijāra becomes mandatory it cannot be terminated without a valid excuse or without mutual consent.
Therefore, the one who has agreed to provide Manāfiʿ (benefits) will be obliged to provide it, and the one who has agreed to pay an amount will be obliged to do so, even if he did not use the Manāfiʿ, provided that he was given the opportunity.
However, if one party does not fulfill its obligations, the other party is not obliged to fulfill theirs.
Therefore, if the educational institution does not terminate the contract after the student refuses to study and does not stop him from attending classes whether online or in-person, then there will be no issue with demanding the payment in full or withholding the remainder in the case of advanced payment.
Accordingly, the clauses provided within your contract are Sharīʿah Compliant.
And Allāh Taʿālā knows best.
فتح القدير على الهداية — الإمام كمال الدين محمد ، المعروف بابن الهمام الحنفي (المتوفى سنة ٨٦١ هـ) 9/57
ثم لعقد الإجارة مناسبة خاصة بفصل الصدقة من حيث إنهما يقعان لازمين
شرح مختصر الطحاوي — أحمد بن علي أبو بكر الرازي الجصاص الحنفي (ت ٣٧٠ هـ) 3/40
مسألة: [لزوم عقد الإجارة، ولا تنقض إلا بعذر]
قال أبو جعفر: (وليس للمستأجر ولا للمؤجر نقض الإجارة إلا من عذر)
الهداية في شرح بداية المبتدي — علي بن أبي بكر بن عبد الجليل الفرغاني المرغيناني، أبو الحسن برهان الدين (ت ٥٩٣هـ) 3/231
الأجرة لا تجب بالعقد وتستحق بأحد معان ثلاثة: إما بشرط التعجيل، أو بالتعجيل من غير شرط، أو باستيفاء المعقود عليه…وإذا قبض المستأجر الدار فعليه الأجر وإن لم يسكنها
الكفاية شرح الهداية بهامش فتح القدير— جلال الدين بن شمس الدين الخوارزمى الكرلانى (ت ٧٦٧ه) 15/8 المكتبة الراشدية
قوله وإذا قبض المستأجر الدار فعليه الأجر وإن لم يسكنها يعني إذا تمكن من الاستيفاء في المدة وهذا إذا كانت الإجارة صحيحة