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I Want to Accept Islām but I’m Scared of Disappointing Allāh

6829 – 0103

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Hope Mufti is well.

I know a sister, that has now become a friend, as she approached me, because she has been interested in Islam and its teachings.

She is a Christian at the moment. She says things like, I respect Allah, I believe in Allah etc.

But she is hesitating to accept Islam, because she is scared she will disappoint Allah.

She said:

“I’m loving learning about the things I questioned within Christianity and so far it feels like a welcoming religion and I feel that Allah is apart of me and in my heart. But I am scared I don’t want to disappoint Allah so it is intimidating me a bit.”

She is around 20 years old. She has been studying the Quraan and Islam for a while now, however she has it hidden from her parents, siblings etc. because she lives with them, and for now “depends on them.” She says, after she moves out, then she doesnt care what they say, but for now she lives with them, and doesnt have her own financial support etc.

If Mufti can please help me, on how I can approach her that she shoudnt fear these things etc.

Please if Mufti can give a little guidance on this.

Through Allah سبحان وتعالى’s will.

جزاك الله خيرا

In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Sister in Islām,

It is pleasing to hear of your friend’s desire to accept Islām. As an ambassador of Islām you are the greatest form of daʿwah. Our character, morals, adherence to the commands of the sharīʿah, and spirituality all play an undeniable role in attracting people to the true faith of Islām.

You may advise her with the following:

We always find ourselves afraid of the unknown. Yet, when the unknown is Allāh Taʿālā, there remains no reason to be scared. Allāh Taʿālā calls the entirety of humanity to Him whilst he knows our limitations better than anyone else. The mercy of Allāh Taʿālā is all-encompassing. He treats His servants according to their expectations of Him.

You have been blessed to study the faith of Islām and have been imbued with the desire to study the Qur’ān. This in itself is a sign of the love Allāh Taʿālā has for you.

The early Muslims too had to hide their faith from their parents, siblings, and family. This didn’t deter them from embracing the true and pristine teachings of Islām. In doing the same you would be like those who enjoyed the closest relationship with the Prophet of Allāh صلى الله عليه وسلم .

Respected sister,

Fear not disappointing Allāh. He has inspired you and will continue to do so. Fear not hiding your faith from your parents and family. Perhaps your secret prostrations in the dark of the night will cause their hearts to change too.

And Allāh Taʿālā knows best.