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Estate Queries

6829 – 0064

Aslm Mufti 

I hope you are well.

Please see the below question with regards to a deceased estate.

1a) When doing the calculation of a property to determine what each heir should get/ be paid out, do you use the municipal value or get a property valuator to provide a value?

1b) What happens in the case where the valuators amount is roughly R250 000 more than the municipal value?  

2a) If the deceased did not specific the amount Salaah missed, but the family estimates that it is a high number, should you give 1/3RD for Islamic obligations anyway?

2b) What happens in a case if the amount to be given is greater than 1/3rd   ?

3a) If 5/6 heirs are in agreement to rent the deceased property and carry on a business until the estate is ready to be wound up is this allowed?

4a) Can major decisions be made (giving charity from the income or expenses to maintain the property etc.) without consent of the 6th heir, bearing in mind she is in a different province/ country? Then upon finalisation pay the total due plus the net income earned to the 6th heir?

4b) If you have not been blessed with any children and you own a house, car, and contents of the house. If you or your spouse dies, majority of the estate goes to the deceased’s brother, sisters and parents and very little to the surviving spouse. 

If you transfer the property during your life time it could be that her family will inherit if she dies first and you will be left with not much.

Is there a halaal way to arrange your affairs in order to provide for the other spouse upon death ?

5) If the deceased had taken out Policies such as provident preserver funds and a retirement funds (appears to be shariah compliant) and the heirs are not aware if either of these were voluntarily or mandatory.

Based on documentation received the heirs can conclude that the provident preserver fund can only be accessed upon earlier of retirement or death.

5a) Does the fund need to form part of the estate or be paid to the stipulated beneficiaries? Also the government decides how to distribute the money to dependents in terms of the pension fund act.

5b) If the amounts were already distributed to the beneficiaries, do they need to pay it back to the estate?

5c) What happens if the beneficiary is not an Heir, and is paid the money, will they need to repay it back to the estate?

5d) Also the South African Law excludes these amounts from estate when submitting the accounts for approval to the master of the high court, what should we do in this case?

6) In terms of the retirement fund the amounts can only be withdrawn in terms of legislation at resignation, retirement, death, disability, retrenchment or dismissal

6a) Does the fund need to form part of the estate or be paid to the stipulated beneficiaries

6b) Also the government decides how to distribute the money to dependents in terms of the pension fund act and pays it directly into each dependents bank account. Should I ask all dependents to pay the money back into the estate so it can be divided according to islamic law.

7) Though the fund seems to be invested in halaal assets, the pay-out is for example as follows 

If the investor:

Leaves his employer =R3 000

Retires at 65 = R 60 000

Dies = R143 000

Becomes Disable= R137 000

7a)  Based on the above values, is it halaal to use this income as the amount varies based on the circumstance and in the case of disability and death it seems the extra bit is insured.

Please let me know if any of the question are unclear or further information is needed.


As salām ʿalaikum wa raḥmatullāhī wa barakātuhū

In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Please find hereunder the answers to your queries:

1a and 1b:

When doing the calculation of a property, one will use the market value.

Market value is the most common valuation type and the one most real estate agents provide to homeowners is an estimation of what a property can be expected to sell for on the open market if it were listed at the time. This evaluation would be closer to the market value than the one provided by the municipality. Accordingly, the evaluation provided by the property valuator would be given preference.


If the deceased stipulated the payment of fidyah in his will or made waṣiyyah (bequest), then the heirs are obliged to discharge the fidyah from one third of the estate after settling burial expenses and debts if any.

If, however, the deceased did not make any such stipulation, then it is not necessary upon the heirs to discharge fidyah on his/her behalf. If the heirs voluntarily pay the fidyah, it is hoped that Allāh will accept the fidyah on behalf of the deceased.


If the fidyah amounts to more than one third of the estate after settling burial expenses and debts, the heirs would not be obliged to pay the excess beyond one third. However, it is at the discretion of the heirs to unanimously allow more than one third of the estate to be relinquished in settling the fidyah cost. If there are any minors among the heirs, the remaining mature heirs may pay the fidyah from their Sharʿī share of inheritance.


The sharīʿah has emphasised winding up of the estate as soon as possible. The heirs should not delay in distributing the estate. Further, it would not be permissible to rent out the property of the deceased without the permission of all the heirs.


Major decisions that result in transacting in the inheritance is not permissible without the permission of all the heirs as this would result in transacting in another individual’s wealth without their permission which is impermissible.

Communicating with an heir in a different province or country in today’s time is easy and affordable.


At the outset you should understand that we are the slaves of Almighty Allāh and He is our Master. We express submission and subjugation to His commands whether they appease our logic or not. Islam is based on submission and not according to our limited understanding. Allāh is Al-Ḥakīm (The wise) and every command of Allāh is full of Ḥikmah (wisdom). As humans, our faculties and capabilities are limited. It is in the face of these deficiencies our limited intellect cannot understand the rationale behind Allāh’s command.

Allāh has His wisdom in ordaining the laws of inheritance. As His slaves, we wholeheartedly accept it without any qualms and reservations. It is this attitude that will take one closer to Allāh and assist in obeying His commands.

One may gift his spouse half his wealth during his lifetime. In this case, if he dies, she will already have half and further inherit from his share. And if she dies first, he will retain his half and inherit from her share.


We advise you to investigate whether the provident fund was voluntary or mandatory. Once this determination has been made, the following scenarios would be applicable: 

1)    The deceased voluntarily subscribed to the provident fund and paid premiums from their own account. 

2)    The deceased was forced to subscribe to the provident fund, and the premiums were automatically deducted from their salary without coming into their possession. 

There are also two aspects to the pay-out. The principal amount (actual premiums paid) and the surplus amount (the provident fund pay-out). 

1.     If the deceased voluntarily subscribed to the pension fund, the principal amount that was contributed will form part of the estate. 

If the conditions of investing in shares were adhered to, then the surplus amount will be regarded as a gift to whoever has been named the beneficiary even if he/she is a Sharʿī heir. If, however, the conditions of investing in shares were not adhered to, the surplus money, not the principal amount, will have to be given away in Sadaqah due to it being contaminated with interest.

2.     In principle, an employee is entitled to his entire salary. In the case where a company forces the employee to participate in a pension fund and deducts a portion from his salary, the employee does not receive his entire salary. This is regarded as a debt upon the employer.

The principal amount that was contributed by the deceased will form part of their estate. The surplus will be regarded as a gift to whoever has been named the beneficiary even if he/she is a Sharʿī heir.


If the deceased voluntarily subscribed to the provident fund and the principal amount that was contributed was distributed to the beneficiaries, they would have to return it to the estate and it will be distributed according to the sharʿī laws of inheritance.


Yes, if the deceased had voluntarily subscribed to the provident fund.


The executor of the estate will either include the amount into the estate or pay out the beneficiaries based on what is outlined in 5a.


See 5a.


See 5c.


If the deceased had voluntarily subscribed to the provident fund and the conditions of investing in shares were adhered to then the principal amount as well as the surplus may be taken. If the investment was of an impermissible nature, only the principal amount may be taken, whilst the excess will have to be disposed of in charity.

If, however deceased was forced to subscribe to the provident fund, and the premiums were automatically deducted from their salary the entire amount may be taken.

And Allāh Taʿālā knows best.

مجمع الأنهر في شرح ملتقى الأبحر— عبد الرحمن بن محمد بن سليمان المدعو بشيخي زاده, يعرف بداماد أفندي (ت ١٠٧٨هـ) 2/494

 ‌وأما ‌البناء ‌فيقسم ‌بالقيمة ‌اتفاقا (وعليه) أي على قول محمد (الفتوى) كما في أكثر المعتبرات

رد المحتار على الدر المختار— ابن عابدين، محمد أمين بن عمر بن عبد العزيز عابدين الدمشقي الحنفي (ت ١٢٥٢ هـ) 6/264

وأما ‌البناء ‌فيقسم ‌بالقيمة ‌اتفاقا كما في الجوهرة والإيضاح

 الدر المختار شرح تنوير الأبصار وجامع البحار — محمد بن علي الحنفي الحصكفي المتوفى سنة 1088هـ

(ولو مات وعليه صلوات فائتة وأوصى بالكفارة يعطى لكل صلاة نصف صاع من بر) كالفطرة (وكذا حكم الوتر) والصوم، وإنما يعطي (من ثلث ماله) ولو لم يترك مالا يستقرض وارثه نصف صاع مثلا ويدفعه لفقير ثم يدفعه الفقير للوارث ثم وثم حتى يتم

رد المحتار على الدر المختار— ابن عابدين، محمد أمين بن عمر بن عبد العزيز عابدين الدمشقي الحنفي (ت ١٢٥٢ هـ) 2/72

 وأما إذا لم يوص فتطوع بها الوارث فقد قال محمد في الزيادات إنه يجزيه إن شاء الله تعالى

رد المحتار على الدر المختار— ابن عابدين، محمد أمين بن عمر بن عبد العزيز عابدين الدمشقي الحنفي (ت ١٢٥٢ هـ) 2/73

(قوله وإنما يعطي من ثلث ماله) أي فلو زادت الوصية على الثلث لا يلزم الولي إخراج الزائد إلا بإجازة الورثة

 البناية شرح الهداية — أبو محمد محمود بن أحمد بن موسى بن أحمد بن حسين الغيتابى الحنفى بدر الدين العينى (ت ٨٥٥هـ) 7/373

قال: الشركة ضربان: شركة أملاك، وشركة عقود، فشركة الأملاك العين يرثها الرجلان أو يشتريانها ‌فلا ‌يجوز ‌لأحدهما ‌أن ‌يتصرف في نصيب الآخر إلا بإذنه

دارالافتاء : جامعہ علوم اسلامیہ علامہ محمد یوسف بنوری ٹاؤن — فتوی نمبر : 143811200015

شرعی لحاظ سے کسی کے انتقال کے بعد اس کا ترکہ جلد از جلد ورثاء میں تقسیم کردیناچاہیے، بلاوجہ ترکہ پر قبضہ کرکے رکھنا یا دوسرے ورثاء کی اجازت کے بغیر اس میں تصرف کرناجائزنہیں ہے۔

البناية شرح الهداية — أبو محمد محمود بن أحمد بن موسى بن أحمد بن حسين الغيتابى الحنفى بدر الدين العينى (ت ٨٥٥هـ) 7/373

قال: الشركة ضربان: شركة أملاك، وشركة عقود، فشركة الأملاك العين يرثها الرجلان أو يشتريانها ‌فلا ‌يجوز ‌لأحدهما ‌أن ‌يتصرف في نصيب الآخر إلا بإذنه

امداد الفتاویٰ أشرف علي التهانوي (1362 ه) 342/4

 چوں کہ میراث اموال مملوکہ میں جاری ہوتی ہے اور یہ وظیفہ محض تبرع واحسان سرکار کا ہے  بدون قبضہ مملوک نہیں ہوتا ،لہذا آئندہ جو وظیفہ ملے گا اس میں  میراث جاری نہیں ہوگی ،سرکار کو اختیار ہے جس طرح چاہے  تقسیم کردے۔

مُوْسُوعَة القَواعِد الفِقْهِيَّة  —  محمد صدقي بن أحمد بن محمد آل بورنو أبو الحارث الغزي 9/124

ما حصل بسبب خبيث فالسّبيل ردّه… لأنّ ما حصل بسبب خبيث كالغصب أو السّرقة أو فساد في العقد لا يجوز استعماله ولا الانتفاع به

مجلة الأحكام العدلية  — لجنة مكونة من عدة علماء وفقهاء في الخلافة العثمانية: المادة (2 9 0 1)

‌كما ‌تكون ‌أعيان ‌المتوفى ‌المتروكة ‌مشتركة بين وارثيه على حسب حصصهم كذلك يكون الدين الذي له في ذمة آخر مشتركا بين وارثيه على حسب حصصهم

مجلة الأحكام العدلية  — لجنة مكونة من عدة علماء وفقهاء في الخلافة العثمانية: المادة (469)

‌تلزم ‌الأجرة ‌باستيفاء ‌المنفعة مثلا لو استأجر أحد دابة على أن يركبها إلى محل ثم ركبها ووصل إلى ذلك المحل يستحق آجرها الأجرة

مجلة الأحكام العدلية  — لجنة مكونة من عدة علماء وفقهاء في الخلافة العثمانية: المادة (1160)

  إذا تبين ‌الغبن ‌الفاحش ‌في ‌القسمة تفسخ وتقسم ثانية قسمة عادلة