6829 – 0052
What parts of a Halal animal are impermissible to consume? Is marrow i.e., ghuddah impermissible to consume?
In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Muḥtaram Mawlānā,
According to the sharīʿah, it is impermissible for one to consume seven parts of an animal:
1. Flowing blood
2. Male genitals
3. Female genitals
4. Testicles
5. Glands
6. Bladder
7. Gall bladder
All other parts of a Ḥalāl animal will be permissible to consume.
In the books of Fiqh the word Ghuddah (الغدة) is listed amongst the impermissible parts of an animal. In Urdu this part of the animal is called Ghudūd (غدود). Ghuddah refers to the glands of an animal and not the marrow. Accordingly, consuming the marrow is permissible.
And Allāh Taʿālā knows best.
الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار) 6/ 311
ما يحرم أكله من أجزاء الحيوان المأكول سبعة: الدم المسفوح والذكر والأنثيان والقبل والغدة والمثانة والمرارة
فتاوى محمودية 17/293
فتاوى محمودية 297/17
فتاوى دار العلوم زکریا 277/6