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I Don’t Want You! Pack Your Bags and Leave!

6829 – 0049

Asalamawalaykum moulana just wanna find out yesterday me and my wife had breakout and me as a husband said told her out of anger and frustration but didn’t meant as in I’m giving talaaq…. just said I don’t want you and pack your bags and leave…I just wanna find out if I said it that way is my marriage still valid…

The part where I said I don’t want you was once…but to leave the house maybe 2 or 3 times

As salām ʿalaikum wa raḥmatullāhī wa barakātuhū

In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Brother in Islam,

If this is a true reflection of the situation and your statements, “I don’t want you” and “Pack your bags and leave” were not intended as divorce, then divorce will not take place.

Accordingly, your marriage will be intact.

And Allāh Taʿālā knows best.

اللباب في شرح الكتاب — عبد الغني بن طالب بن حمادة بن إبراهيم الغنيمي الدمشقي الميداني الحنفي (ت ١٢٩٨هـ) 3/41

والضرب الثاني: الكنايات، ولا يقع بها الطلاق إلا بنيةٍ أو دلالةٍ حالٍ.

الفتاوى العالمكيرية المعروفة بالفتاوى الهندية 1/374

(الفصل الخامس في ‌الكنايات) ‌لا ‌يقع ‌بها ‌الطلاق إلا بالنية أو بدلالة حال