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Heirs Inheriting Responsibilities of the Deceased

6829 – 0041


A family would like to query a few things: 

My mum and dad, who have just passed away owned shares in a property. 


Mum – 45% 

Dad – 10%

Mums sister – 45% 

According to my mother’s brothers, who acted as witnesses to the sale agreements meeting with my mothers four sisters, my mum and her sister agreed that they will cover my granny’s medical aid and co payments until the demise of my granny. This was part of the sale agreement. Thereafter, the sisters had verbally changed the agreement to cover all medical expenses rather than just medical aid and co payments, this included all medications that Ma needed that was not covered by medical aid. There was constant disagreements regarding this. The disputes were never resolved from my mother’s point of view, as it was discussed with me a few days before her demise. My mum and other shareholders chose to pay for all of it regardless, just for the ease of their mother. Not out of clarification and obligation. 

This meeting was apparently recorded however there is no written agreement of such. It was all verbal agreements, with witnesses. 

Something to take note of: 

The previous owners sold the property at 1.2mil and gave a discount of 200k with the condition of taking care of medical aid and co payments. 

Since the demise of my mum and dad, the inheritors have been asked to continue with the sale agreement of paying all medical expenses of our granny including medical aid. 

My question is: 

  1. Do the inheritors inherit the sale agreement of paying for medical aid and co payments? Are we obligated to continue this agreement made? 
  2. What are the inheritors obliged to pay? Medical aid and co payments, and/or medical expenses?
  3. Please let us know what we are obligated to pay and what we are not obligated to pay? 

Should Mufti need any additional information, please feel to let me know.

جزاك اللهُ خيرً 

As salām ʿalaikum wa raḥmatullāhī wa barakātuhū

In the Name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.


  • The Shariah ruling herein given is based specifically on the question posed and should be read in conjunction with the question.
  • Madrasah Urwah bears no responsibility to any party who may or may not act on this answer and is being hereby exempted from loss or damage howsoever caused.
  • This answer may not be used as evidence in any Court of Law without prior written consent of the Madrasah

Respected Sister,

We are saddened to hear of the demise of your parents. May Allāh grant them both forgiveness and bestow them with a lofty status in the hereafter, Āmīn.  

At the outset it should be noted that the condition of covering your grandmothers medical aid and other expenses as stipulated in the aforementioned agreement was not binding on your mother. The stipulated condition was from the onset an ‘invalid condition’. She will however be rewarded for contributing to your grandmothers’ medical expenses.

After the demise of your parents, it is obligatory for their respective estates to be distributed amongst their heirs according to the Islamic Law of Succession and Inheritance. The heirs will inherit according to the stipulated shares as determined by the Islamic Law of Succession and Inheritance. 

The heirs are under no obligation to contribute toward any medical expenses or any other expenses that was stipulated at the time of the sale.

And Allāh Taʿālā knows best.

اللباب في شرح الكتابعبد الغني الغنيمي الدمشقي الميداني الحنفي  (ت ١٢٩٨ هـ)   26/2

وكل ‌شرط ‌لا ‌يقتضيه ‌العقد ‌وفيه ‌منفعة لأحد المتعاقدين أو للمعقود عليه وهو من أهل الاستحقاق يفسده

الاختيار لتعليل المختار— عبد الله بن محمود بن مودود الموصلي البلدحي، مجد الدين أبو الفضل الحنفي (ت ٦٨٣هـ) 2/25

ونوع: البيع جائز والشرط باطل، وهو كل ‌شرط ‌لا ‌يقتضيه ‌العقد، وفيه مضرة لأحدهما، أو ليس فيه منفعة ولا مضرة لأحد، أو فيه منفعة لغير المتعاقدين والمبيع

رد المحتار على الدر المختار— ابن عابدين، محمد أمين بن عمر بن عبد العزيز عابدين الدمشقي الحنفي (ت ١٢٥٢ هـ) 5/85

المراد بالنفع ما شرط من أحد العاقدين على الآخر، فلو على أجنبي لا يفسد ويبطل الشرط، لما في الفتح عن الولوالجية: بعتك الدار بألف على أن يقرضني فلان الأجنبي عشرة دراهم فقبل المشتري لا يفسد البيع؛ لأنه لا يلزم الأجنبي ولا خيار للبائع اهـ ملخصا. وفي البحر عن الملتقى قال محمد: كل شيء يشترطه المشتري على البائع يفسد به البيع فإذا شرطه على أجنبي فهو باطل؛ كما إذا اشترى دابة على أن يهبه فلان لأجنبي كذا، وكل شيء يشترطه على البائع لا يفسد به البيع، فإذا شرطه على أجنبي فهو جائز وهو بالخيار، كما إذا اشترى على أن يحط عنه فلان الأجنبي كذا جاز البيع، فإن شاء أخذه بجميع الثمن أو ترك. اهـ

الهداية في شرح بداية المبتدي — علي بن أبي بكر بن عبد الجليل الفرغاني المرغيناني، أبو الحسن برهان الدين (ت ٥٩٣هـ) 3/ 51

وإذا قبض المشتري المبيع في البيع الفاسد بأمر البائع وفي العقد عوضان كل واحد منهما مال ملك المبيع ولزمته قيمته

درر الحكام شرح غرر الأحكام — القاضي محمد بن فراموز الشهير بمُنْلا خُسْرو (٨٨٥هـ)  154/2

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